The Wanderers return - November 12th 2009

...we are back after what seems like a mammoth trip. We have been to Kent, Bath and Birmingham and are now safely back home!!!We will NEVER EVER EVER EVER EVER EVER EVER EVER EVER EVER EVER EVER EVER EVER EVER EVER EVER EVER EVER again stay in a hotel with the twins until they understand the concept of NO and GO TO BLOODY SLEEP!!!
We stayed in a Holiday Inn Express last night in Bath, so we were in the room with them in two travel cots, well I say IN the travel cots, I think you all know by now that this was NOT the case. Seren dropped off at 12:30 on me and got transfered into her cot, Ieuan eventually caved in at 1:30am on me and got put in his cot. They ran us ragged!!! turning lights on and off, playing with the hairdryer, jumping on and off our bed, playing with everything that rattled and made a noise. How we didnt get asked to leave is beyond me!!!! Hubby was quite excited the night before 'Oooh ready for a night in a hotel then' etc etc when I gently reminded him of the fact that we had twin horrors toddlers!we spent an hour walking around Bath at 10pm trying to get them to sleep, he was so unimpressed and moody lol!!! I can laugh now at the time though I was ready to murder my hubby let alone those two lol!ANYWAY!A BIG thank you to all the lovely MTW ladies we met at Lakeside, we had a wonderful time, they both fell asleep afterwards and we got 2.5hrs of peace to have a wander round and for me to convince hubby that he needs to buy me the Pandora braclet for my birthday Can I also just say Lakeside is the BEST softplay we have ever been to!!! I dont know how much it cost you all to join but Im guessing it is totally worth it (even if the balloon man did make me feel like I needed a shower!!! yuk)

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