Erins 1st Birthday Party - August 9th 2009

Today me and the twins went to Karan J's Little one Erins first birthday party, we had a wonderful and very relaxing day. Karans hubby cooked up a storm on the BBQ and the twins helped all the other LO's trash Karans garden ( ) Karan and Alex's daughters are all such lovely girls, a real credit to their parents and were so lovely with the twins, Grace and Seren got on very well and when it came to going home Seren wouldnt let go of Holly!!Erin was a little star all day and I even saw her walking skills!! vey very cute, she still looks so little to be walking!Thnks again to Karan and Alex for having us, we had a great time and hope Erin is sleeping soundly for you and that the booze is flowing freely xxx

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