Slightly concerned my children are, hmmmmmmmmm, 'free willed' - September 25th 2009

I say 'free willed' as I am reluctant to call them naughty as I dont belive at this age they truly know what they are doing, which I guess means inevitabley thier behaviour is my fault.They DO play nicely together (they do also however fight, scratch and push each other, not something I have witnessed them doing to other children at groups though - they have pushed others out of the way but get told off obv)Yesterday at twin club all the others sat very nicely at a table and did crafts, mine rfused and ran around like little loons and eventually I took them back into the room we are normally in and shut the gate, there was a strop from both (witnessed by a mum whose twins are 6 months who looked on in disbelief and commented that it was no wonder I looked tired!!!! grrr!!!) anyway I distracted them and we played nice and then left.What is bugging me is that my two just wont sit like the other and do crafts, we at the moment only have their highchairs at home but very soon will be getting them a table and chairs to sit at and I am hoping this will help them learn to sit and play nicely (they sat and ate nicely at the group btw!!!) Also Ieuan was hare -arssing (sp) around with a walker/trolley at the group and bumped into quite a few people and no matter how many time I apologised and told Ieuan to be careful he just kept doing it.Am I expecting to much of them or should I just admit to myself that they are 'free-willed' and do my best to curb it now. PLEASE be honest and do not think you will ofend me, I do not one to be one of those mums who thinks their children are angels when in fact they are little devils.

having written this post I have asked them if I could change their nappies, they both led down and let me, I then asked if they wanted a sleep and Seren nodded and said yep and they are both now in bed (Well Ieu is on the floor which he seems to prefer to his bed) and asleep, so they cant be all bad!?!?!?!Right I have just found myslef a toddler taming book and will be off to Waterstones on Monday!!!

I am just slightly (read very) concerned that the term 'double trouble' will be applied to them. I worry that I am too soft with them, I am in terms that if they fall over/off things I generally dont go over and just say whoops up you get unless it looks like a nasty fall but I think that they can be rough with each other but I have also noticed that with other children Seren will stand back more whereas with her brother she is the boss and will scream if he takes anything off her. I just wonder if in groups I come across as very nonchalant as although I interact with them and play with them etc I have more of tendancy to sit back and watch from a distance and intervene only if one gets over the top or hurts another child (not intentionally may I add)I just hope I am worrying too much and that they are just boisterous not naughty!?!

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