I have just spent an hour - August 14th 2009

....led in a cot with Ieuan, and my god do I now ache!!!!Poor little guy is teething really badly and is pretty inconsolable, hubby just buggered off to bed and my mum and dad are here so am concious of the noise, so figued getting in and having big cwtches was my best option!Anyway my little man is now snoring away and Princess stinky bum slept through it all thank godness, I have caught up on todays posts as much as I can keep my eyes open to ead so am now off to fall asleep watching CSIxxxJust about to press send guess who woke! Big chief stinky bum, grrrrrrrrr off to get cramp in his cot again!!

Oooh how quick was that I got him out, he cwtched right into me so I sat in the chair in their room and he was snoring before I even sat down properly!!! awww just had a lovely cwtch with my little dude, teething is just the worst but you do get these little moments when it is hapening when your strong willed toddler is suddenly like your little baba all over again!!!

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