Back to normality - December 30th 2009

So normal service has resumed! my in laws have travelled back home and it now feels like Christmas is well and tuly over. We spent the weekend with Dereks family on and off and it was lovely to see everyone again and spend some time with them and fo them to all spend some time with the twins. Ieuan and Seren got spoilt again, lots of fantastic new toys and books, in fact we got home yesterday evening and put the twins to bed and then took the Christmas tree down (which took all of 5 mins what with it being a 3ft tree) and the took the dining table apart just so there was room to put all their new toys out!!!

Daddy was in work at 7am so wasnt here this morning when I bought Ieuan and Seren down, they didnt notice all their toys at first (!!!!!!) but suddenly there were 'oooooohs' and the once tidy living room was once again strewn with toys, Ieuan spent loads of time in the play house making dinner on the kitchen, Seren flitted between everything, playing with her shopping trolley, then her aquadoodle, the her dollys etc etc, suffice to say by the time Daddy got home Mummy was exhausted (no nap again for them today!!! I hope this is not something thats going to continue!!)

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