Night 4 in the twin toddler house - September 17th 2009

..........and mum is searching for the valium!!!They are STILL awake up there!!!!! Yesterday they decided against napping (oh what a fun day that was, hubby also managed to take the buggy to work with him in the car and was then 2 hours late coming home!!!!) so we put them to bed as normal at 6:30 and they were asleep within an hour, then when I went to bed at about midnight Seren decided it was time to get up, I went in to try and keep her quiet and change her nappy, she decided getting into Ieuans bed and putting herself nose to nose with him and saying very loudly 'wassssssssssa' (her favourite word at the moment!) was the best way to make sure she wasnt lonley! suffice to say my little man woke up to albeit with a gorgeous big smile on his face and a giggle for his sister!!! They stayed up until 5am!!!!Ieuan dozed off earlier and so we brought a screaming Seren down to let him drift off properly, she sat colouring in on the floor with her Daddy but coloured her babygro in more, looks so funny and she keeps pointing to it and saying 'wasssssa' Ieuans sleep lasted all of 10 mins when he started shouting for attention/his sister!!!Can I drug them? (I'm joking!! I think!!) xxx

Fri Sep 18, 2009 10:26 pm
Todays 'lie in' was until 9:30ish so in all honesty not too bad especially when I realise some of you mummies are up at the crack of dawn every morning. Luckily today my in laws are up so we have been to see them all day, Ieuan has had an hours nap and Seren has had none so they are both asleep wooooooooooooooooohooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo we ran them ragged all day, went to the park and ran them ragged there too. We are off back over to the the in laws again tomorrow who are buying the twins their first pair of proper shoes from Clarks and then we are all off to the park again.The good thing is they are very cute little monkies with the ability to make me laugh a lot so I guess the bonus of these late night is extra time with them!On the plus side this lack of sleep means that a glass and a half of wine has made me tipsy! lol!

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