Please stop fighting!!! please start sharing!!! - November 15th 2009

This is the first day in about 3 weeks where we have had no plans and I envisaged a nice day at home with Ieuan and Seren, where we could play, do some colouring etc etc. They however had other plans, they have fought all day long, everytime Seren has a toy in her hand Ieuan has swiped it off her, everytime she had a dummy he yanked it out of her mouth and put it in his own, she has reacted to this by high pitch screaming.They were put upstairs for bed at 7pm, I have already been up 4 times to seperate them, the last time I had to wedge Serens arm back out of the drawer in which she had got it stuck trying to retrieve blankie, which Ieuan put in there!!!!!!All I ever seem to say these days is 'stop fighting' and 'share'. If they are like this at 20 months imagine the nightmare that the teenage years are going to be!!!!!

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