MTW Babies!!! Listen up!!!! - September 2009

I go on this brilliant forum called Mums the Word, and at times many of the babies seem to gang up on us all and go on nap strike, I thought it was time to issue a warning!!!

Bedtime means BEDTIME!!!!

None of this waking and screaming and getting your mummies all het up and frustrated.Your bedtime is our rest time/MTW time/chore time (depending on our mood) Please respect this and when you are put to bed stay in bed.Failure to adhere to bedtime rules means that Mummy will be moody and wont want to play with you the next day, its for your benefit really!!!

HOWEVER this did not seem to work, so I had to get tough!!

It has come to my attention that not all MTW babies are paying attention, mentioning no names (Seren Elizabeth James!!!).

Please be advised of the following:
Bedtime means YOU must get into your cot/bed and stay there, this does not however mean that you are to cry and scream until you mummy can take no more and gets in with you, in the words of the great God SuperNanny This is NOT asseptable!The removing of nappies in order to be taken back out of your cot/bed is not a tactic that benefits you, being covered in poo and wee solves no problems it simply creates more!At least one daytime nap is still compulsory, please do not try to lull us into the false sense that no naps during the day will mean a good nights sleep, we are now wise to this and have the bags under our eyes to prove it! Naps MUST be taken!Please take this as your final warning!! Failure to adhere will mean that all MTW mummies will club together and buy Gina Ford and that believe me will be more of a punishment for you than it will be for us.

That is all, let the sleeping through the night and sensible wake up times commence!

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