Ronnie & Reggie dispel their nicknames - September 4th 2009

Ieuan has horrific nappy rash atm and the doctor has given us some steroid cream to help get it sorted. Nappy change time is just awful, Ieuan screeches in pain and has to be pinned down ( ) Seren though comes over (we are doing it on a mat on the floor atm so he doesnt fall off) and stands holding the cream ready for us and bends down to chatter to Ieuan, yesterday she picked up a wet wipe and really really really gently patted Ieuans bum with it!! They are also curently sat playing with some jigsaws and passing bits to each other Seren saying ta Ieuan saying da, ahhhhhh my lickle babies CAN get on and as I always tell my hubby, I love them more than peas!!!

Ieuans nappy rash is just horrific he has had it for a week but the other day in the space of 3 hours it went really bad, blistering and bleeding (the blood was actually running down his legs!!!) so after many many phonecalls the doctor fitted us in, had a quick glance prescribed steroid cream and ushered us out!! it is gtting slightly better though did bleed again last night before bed .Ieuan is the oldest but Seren is the boss!

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