If I have to go upstairs one more time tonight - November 5th 2009

.......to either pull Ieuan off Seren, or rescue Seren from having her arm caught in the drawer I may scream (louder than she does too!!!!) its ALWAYS Seren, she could bounce on Ieuans head and I think he would just giggle!!!Last time they had also kindly scattered cotton wool balls everywhere so I made them pick them all up again although on the plus side I am pretty sure Seren was calling them bubbles!!!!Currently all I can hear is loads of giggling and lots of banging I dread to think what they are up to


They are STILL awake!!! I have just gone up to check as it suddenly went quiet to find them smearing a small pot of sudocreme over each other and the door!!!! they can now climb to get stuff off the back of the change table, at this rate there will just be two cots in their bedroom!!!!

They finally gave in at just gone midnight!!! I left them to play in their bedroom this morning whilst I tried to do a bit of packing/organising to go to the in laws tonight and heard a massive thud went up and they had pulled the chest of drawers over! I felt sick until I saw them both, I have left it there like that so hubby can see when he gets in as he is going to need to attach it to the wall somehow now!! they just climb on and up everything they are a nightmare!!!!

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