Im on poo patrol - October 4th 2009

My delightful daughter (why is it always Seren!?!?) took her nappy off this morning and there was poo everywhere in their bedroom, on the chair on her bed clothes, on the actual bed, ALL over her it was grim to say the least, hubby was heaving!!So I am up doing poo patrol (i.e making sure she hasnt had one over night so I could change her if she had in order to prevent another dirty protest!) all clean on the stinky Seren front though!Whilst I was cleaning her up this morning she started weeing and I had nothing to hand so went 'ooh oooh oooh' whilst trying to catch the wee in my hands (why!?!?!) cue Seren trying to run away in a panic screeching 'ooh oooh ooh' think I scared her, so I was then the nutter cupping wee saying 'its ok baby, its only a wee'Then to top it all off, I lead her back down to clean her up and put a nappy on her and Ieuan sat on her head! *sigh*

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