Our funniest WASSSSSSSSSSSSSAT moment so far - September 29th 2009

I was changing Ieuans nappy earlier and Seren wandered over and stood next to me being all helpful (she like to hold the clean nappy and pass it to me) she then looks at Ieuan, clocks he has a little something extra, leans in closer to make sure she is seeing what she thinks she is seeing, then turns to me whilst pointing to it and asks at the top of her voice 'wasssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssat'I couldnt answer for laughing!!

I just told her they were his 'boy bits' mainly because I thought if I say its his willy/penis etc that would be her new word and I would have to endure pushing her round whilst she screamed it at the top of her lungs for the next 3 months before we moved on to a new word!!!Current word is Dada which is fine, except when she points at random men and says it on repeat lol!

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