Cock is it - December 31st 2009

Cock is how Seren pronounces chocolate! for short she calls it cock, and shouts it loudly as it is something she wants but isnt allowed vey often! oh I am SO looking forward to our next shopping trip!!!

Back to normality - December 30th 2009

So normal service has resumed! my in laws have travelled back home and it now feels like Christmas is well and tuly over. We spent the weekend with Dereks family on and off and it was lovely to see everyone again and spend some time with them and fo them to all spend some time with the twins. Ieuan and Seren got spoilt again, lots of fantastic new toys and books, in fact we got home yesterday evening and put the twins to bed and then took the Christmas tree down (which took all of 5 mins what with it being a 3ft tree) and the took the dining table apart just so there was room to put all their new toys out!!!

Daddy was in work at 7am so wasnt here this morning when I bought Ieuan and Seren down, they didnt notice all their toys at first (!!!!!!) but suddenly there were 'oooooohs' and the once tidy living room was once again strewn with toys, Ieuan spent loads of time in the play house making dinner on the kitchen, Seren flitted between everything, playing with her shopping trolley, then her aquadoodle, the her dollys etc etc, suffice to say by the time Daddy got home Mummy was exhausted (no nap again for them today!!! I hope this is not something thats going to continue!!)

My Montage 8/6/09 at

Alfie is a big bah humbug! - December 24th 2009

Its hard to be a big bad ass gangsta pup when your mums a mentalist!

How to stop Mammy being mad at you - December 26th 2009

Hold hands! its really as simple as that!

The twins have been little monsters today, sceaming shouting, fighting and arguing and just when I thought a vein in my head might finally pop they stood in front of the telly and held hands whilst giggling at each other!!! yes my heart melted, all was forgiven!!

A merry Twin Christmas!!!! - December 26th 2009

The twins had a fabulous Christmas!!!!

We had an early Christmas at my mums where they wee spoilt rotten and loved every minute of it, we then came back up to Liverpool ready to celebate real Christmas Day with Daddy and Alfie.

We woke them at 9am and brought them downstairs where the night before we had set up the pram set and play kitchen and placed out all their presents!! there were lots of 'oooohs' mainly from Seren who ripped into her presents like thee was no tomorrow, Ieuan took a bit more coaxing. They were well and truly spoilt by Father Christmas!!!

We then headed over to Dereks aunties for Christmas dinner and they were spoilt again.

We had a wonderful day, marred by the fact that Derek had to work from 3pm until 11pm grrrrrr, the twins didnt nap at all and were still playing when Daddy got back at 11:30!!!!!

I caved! I cut Ieuans hair!!! - December 23d 2009

We brushed his hair this morning and decided it really did need cutting, his mullet was all staggly as its his baby hair (he has never had it cut) so we washed and dried it and Mammy attacked it with a sissors (and an aching heart lol!)It does however now look like a bob but its tidy at least, and he is still my little dude so all is ok (just *sniff*) above his how he looks now.

SO pi**ed off - December 20th 2009

My hubby is now working Christmas Day, 3pm til 11pm, he is working until 2am the night before so wont get home until 3amish (and that if he doesnt arrest someone as then it will be 5/6am) I am SO pissed off. So the only real time I will get to spend with him over Christmas will be the 28th & 29th when his mum dad, sister BIL and neice are there too! fuming is not the word, all because the woman who was supposed to be working his shift for him is being investigated for being a tw*t and is on restricted duties and so not allowed, nice, you f**k up and get Christmas Day off (and probably the sack but tough shit, dont be a tw*t!) and someone with a young family has to work!I am so mad, I didnt feel very Christmassy before and was on a bit of a downer anyway and now this.Rant over, apologies for the swearing!

I have issues - December 20th 2009

Other than my normal baby related issues and my inability to sleep (which is why I am sat her posting about this now!)I have crushes on the most weird men!My new crush is Russell Howard the comedian, we went to see him last week, very funny but seriously there is something about him! even with his wonky eye and strange teeth!Sir Simon of Cowell, the worlds cheesiest man who shows too much chest etc but my God yes I would!Now we get seriously disturbing! Im a big CSI fan and whilst I have a big crush on Danny from CSI NY why why why why why why am I loving Grissom and Horatio?!?!?!?! I think I have a thing for powerful men (notice though I cant love Mac Taylor, they showed him semi naked once and well his neck is just too long and his chest was too pigeon like, ahhh Im so fickle!) I keep telling hubby to get into CSI at work but to be fair CSI St Helens doesnt have the same ring to it does it?!?! and tbh my hubbys sense of humour is a bit suspect too so Im not sure he as a future as a stand up (he makes me laugh but thats really not saying much as my level of humour is also slightly suspect)See how lack of sleep makes your mind wander..................

SO proud of the dog - December 12th 2009

So we have PMM for our babies but this one is reserved for Alf!

Half way through dinner at a meet with some mummies today I realised that I forgot to put the lasagne in the freezer (hubby made 2 last night and left one on the oven for me to freeze) I resigned myself to coming home to a broken plate, an orange mouthed dog and probably orange everything in his reach etc but he had been SO good!!! Lasagne untouched, he had had no accidents (we are having some issues at the moment with him when we go out) all in all he has been a star, and he was bouncing off the walls when I came in and told him how much of a good boy he was!!!!gush over!

There aint no party like a twin club party - December 10th 2009

Party went great, there was an entertainer who mine took practically no notice of apart from when the balloons came out and then Seren stood very patiently waiting to be given one. They had lots of fun running round playing on the slide etc and even had a present from Santa (as long as Mammy had a hold of them and they could grip on to her!!)

Got their feet measured today - December 10th 2009

and they are both the same size as they were back in September!!!! typical as I could have got shoes in the sale (although there was a hoooge choice for boys but very few for girls) but at least we saved some money lol!

So I got my buggy bar today - December 9th 2009 arrived while we at a play group, my neighbour took it in for me, so I ripped open the packaging being all excited an all!!! put it on the buggy.......................and.................................Ieuan burst into tears and screamed until I took it off again Tough! he will have to get used to it, so it is going back on tomorrow! on the plus side Seren liked it and screamed when I took it off! you cant please all of the people all of the time I guess!!

So sad but I am excited about my delivery in 1-2 days - December 8th 2009

we are getting a bumper bar for the buggy!!! woohooo!!! I just pray it means Bill & Ben will be a little happier if they can pull themselves to sit right up etc (the plus side to no buggy bar is though they have AMAZING stomach muscles!!!) yes I am sad!! do I care? well maybe a little but still!

My nephew got hit by a car this morning!!!!! - December 8th 2009

Spoke to my mum earlier and it turns out my poor nephew got hit by a car outside school this morning!!!!My dad dropped him off as usual, checked the road was clear for him and told him to cross, as he was pulling off he heard a bump and saw Jude had been hit by a car, apparently this car just came out of nowhere!!! luckily Jude had one foot on the kerb and was literally just putting his other foot down so he got away with grazing all down his face one arm and a poorly elbow. Thank God he was that close to the kerb it could have been a hell of a lot worse. My dad took him straight to the hospital and he was thouroughly checked over and Jude insisted on going back to school so my mum phoned and asked them to keep a close eye on him, they phoned back an hour later to ask my mum to go pick him up as he was seizing up a bit where he had been hurt and was a bit upset bless him, my dad also didnt go into work as it scared and shocked the living daylights out of him understandably!!So poor Jude is at home now with my Mum and Dad and no doubt being a bit spoilt and feeling very sorry for himself, my heart nearly stopped this morning when my mum told me, Jude has lived with us since he was 10 days old so he is like my little brother more than my nephew, he might be an 11 year old stroppy ratbag at the moment but he is such a lovely lad!

Happy 4th Birthday Alfie - December 7th 2009

Yes my original baby is a big grown up 4 years old today, sniff!4 years ago a tiny ickle pup pup was born and some weeks later he came to live with usThe twins (honest) bought their brother from another mother a present to celebrate

Whilst I am sat here - December 6th 2009

..........I am also upstairs banging around......apparently!!Hubby has just been up to see what all the noise was about and said to them 'who is banging and making all that noise' and Seren replied 'Mammy' when he asked her if she was sure she said 'yes!'Ooops guess I should be quiet then!!!

*gasp* ooooooooooh wasssssat - yes thats right the fairies visited our house last night - December 5th 2009

The fairies came and put the decorations up in our house last night and all the twins have done all morning is ooooh and aaaahh and gasp at them. Seren has decided that the santa on the wall is called Ieuan (?!?!) and we are off to town soon to buy more to add to them to make it even more Christmassy woooooohoooooo

Seriously!!! - December 4th 2009


I was just pottering round, putting things away a general sweep around before going to bed and thought that the twins had fallen asleep as it had gone so quite, so I snuck up and opened the gate and unlocked the door without making a noise and walked into.........carnage!!!My little madam had climbed up on to the top of the chest of drawers and had pulled loads down off the top of the wardrobe, she was sat on top of the chest of drawers all rosy cheeked and sweaty playing with some bookends and in amongst the carnage on the floor was the remains of a box which had had 2 babies in it!!!!!I have tided quickly and left them to it, so Seren is currently putting her twins to bed, they both gave the babies a kiss which was mega cute but Seren doesnt want Ieuan touching them and keeps yelling at him to 'share Ieuan' and giving him stern looks.I was SO mad when I walked in but they were so cute playing with their twins I caved in and we had cuddles. Seren is very gentle with her babies, Ieuan on the other hand kind of slam dunked the boy baby onto the bed and pushed him head first onto the mattress and covered him completley with a towel and pushed down on it hard whilst proclaiming 'ahhhhhhhhh baybeee'*sigh* blinkin baybeeees!

They fell asleep after another 30 mins, so I snuck in to make sure all was ok (Ieuan likes to take the matresses off the cots and Seren doesnt like to wake up on the floor) anyway Seren was asleep on the floor as her babies were in her cot!!! so I put her into bed and moved her babies to the end of the cot and recovered them. Hubby got in at 8am and asked if I had put the heating on constant as the house was like a sauna and I told him where I had found Seren so he had to sneak in and sort the boiler out as Seren had turned it up full blast and onto constant!!I woke them at 10am this morning.

My dog is doing my head in - December 3rd 2009

He is slowley driving me insane!!!! we live in a terraced house, no front garden etc, straight onto the street and he sits in the window all day and barks and goes mental at everyone who walks past and god help the poor postman or anyone who puts leaflets through our letterbox (which is everyday as it is such a student area) He has just ripped the letterbox cover off because someone posted something through, yesterday he wrecked the dvd box for something I ordered (luckily it was just for hubby so not a present).We are considering getting an outside postbox to go on the wall and sealing the letterbox up yet I know he will just continue to bark at people who walk past, seriosuly I feel like just chucking him out somedays.We thought he would have got used to it by now, we have lived here for over a year (before that we lived up 3 flights of stairs so no one ever walked past our window) but he is still a ratbag!!!!!!And to add insult to injury, if he stands next to me and trumps one more time I am going to tie him to a lampost somewhere and just sponser him through the dogs trust!!!!!

Manners ae coming - December 2nd 2009

So it seems Seren although a naughty monster mostly is beginning to learn her manners. When I give them something I always say 'what do you say' and they reply 'ta'. Seren then told me to 'share' this morning whilst I ate her last 2 crisps, and this afternoon I told her to 'put it back in the drawer' and she looked at me with her big innocent eyes and said 'pees' I nearly wet myself then had to say 'Put it back in the drawer please Seren' and she did!!!

Im very impressed with my own skills - December 2nd 2009

Last night on my way to bed I went in the twins room to check on them and to say it stunk is an understatement, both of them had stinky nappies BUT I managed to change them both, clean them both up and put new nappies on them both too without waking them wooooooohoooooooooooo shame I banged the gate on the way out and woke Seren but she settled back after 5 mins, so I reused my skills and managed to get out, close the gate AND lock the bedroom door without waking anyone!!!

'share' - December 2nd 2009

is what Seren just told me whilst I ate the two remaining crisps she gave me in her bag!!!think I obviously say 'share' a lot!!!

The HV cometh - December 1st 2009

So I kept the appointment with the HV on Friday and Im glad I did tbh. She did their 2 year check at the same time and was pleased with them and said their understanding is fantastic etc. She did agree that their speech is a little delayed and so is coming back to review them in early March just after they turn 2 and told me the only thing to do is simply repeat everything and sing nursery rhymes on repeat too (I wonder what she thinks I do all day lol!) I got their next bookstart pack (why oh why oh why not mix the books up a bit, what do I need with 2 sets of identical books??!)she weighed and measured them Seren is now 24lb and 82cm, whilst Ieuan is 28lb and 85cm, I think the heights are a bit out as they were running round like loons whilst she chased them with a tape measure (I think Ieuan is a bit taller than that as he is more than 3cms taller than Seren)I also asked her advice on what to do about baby Houdini Seren and her escaping over the bedroom gate, she was a bit shocked to say the least and suggested we put a chain on the door rather than locking it as she said that whilst we may think we are keeping them safe by locking it we may actually just be scaring them!!!! we are not putting a chain on the door though as Ieuan will just pull and pull and pull until he rips something off whether its the chain off the door or out of the wall!!! so we are still back at square 1 there!!!!So all in all not a bad visit, she was here an hour and a half and I feel a bit more relaxed that at least Im not imagining their speech isnt what it should be yet slightly discouraged that the only advice she had was to sing nursery rhymes to them but ho hum..........................twinkle twinkle little star, how I wonder what you are.........

*gasp* a night out!! - November 27th 2009

Me and hubby have bitten the bullet and have booked tickets to go see Russell Howard at the Echo Arena on our anniversary next month!!! hubbys two aunties are coming over to babysit, we are going to go for a meal as well, soooooo excited, will probably spend the next few weeks trying to find an outfit in my wardrobe lol!

Its 3am...its pingu time!!! - November 26th 2009

I have wrote a big long post out twice now and both times Seren has erased it!!!Suffice to say its 3am, we are sat watching Pingu, pingu is being potty trained!TBH Pingu makes more sense when your tired, Im not sure if thats a good thing or not!!!

Seren is now asking for George to be put on (Curious George her new favourite!!) and trying to climb on the dogs back to ride around the living room, he is not impressed bless him, having his sleep disturbed!!!

OMFG!!!!! - November 25th 2009

I was just sat here waiting for hubby to get back with our dinner and saw stuff flying down the stairs, nothing unusual there, they are forever throwing toys downstairs when they should be in bed but on closer inspection I saw they were videos, there is a bookcase of old videos outside their room and I couldnt understand how they could reach them, as I turned the corner to go upstairs, Seren was stood at the top of the stairs - She has learnt to climb the bedroom gate!!!!We have had to bolt their door shut tonight whilst we figure something out trouble being if there is a gate at the top of the stairs she will just climb that too so it may be we have to do this everynight!!!Honestly, she just scales everything!!! any suggestions other than gaffer tape and straight jackets!!!!

Well the door is bolted, they have stopped screaming now!!When I went upstairs I put her in their room and had to go in anyway to change Ieuans nappy and she demonstrated to me how she did it (she just curls her feet around the bars and climbs!!!) Ieuan goes down the stairs on his bum but Seren just seems to think she can walk down them, plus there is no banister its just an open staircase and really steep too. I think we should move to a bungalow!!!Dog gates are not a great deal taller tbh and the way she climbs it doesnt matter if it were that much taller as she can still scale it (if that makes sense) Im not happy about the bolt on the door but its easy for us to open and Im petrified of her falling down the stairs in the middle of the night now!!Seriously, anyone wanna swap babies, I may end up having a nervous breakdown by the time they get to nursery age!!!

Im not allowed to join in anymore - November 22nd 2009

My two now hate me feeding them and they insist on eating all meals at their little table. If I go anywhere near the table to help I get shouted at. This evening they were sat at the table eating their cheese omlette, giggling to each other and 'talking' and when I said 'what are you saying guys' Seren turned and looked at me and said 'NO', signed no for extra effect, turned back to Ieuan and they carried on 'talking'.So my job now entails changing nappies, cooking food and clearing up after them, Im not allowed to join in the fun anymore, what a pair of big meanies!!!!

They are asleep already!!! - November 20th 2009

Im not sure if this counts as a PMM or not lol!!Its actually quite worrying, they went up at 6 because they kept going to the stair gate and signing sleep, just been and checked and they are both blotto!!!!They really must be poorly! its only 6:40pm!!!
Ieuan was horrifically sick at about 1am last night and really hot, managed to get him to doze off again and he woke up today still hot and has been really lethargic all day and completley out of sorts (the dog has a cough and evey time he coughs it makes Ieuan cry ) poor little man he hasnt wanted to do anything all day and has mainly just lounged around, hoping he can sleep it all off tonight now, On the plus side though, its the first time in 20 months that when they have been sick it hasnt been over me!!!!You have to grab these moments when you can lol!


They are awake.........and singing........and dancing..... I was just about to go to bed!!!

There is an elephant upstairs - November 19th 2009

either that or someone is still awake!!!!Im off to check, Im secretly hoping for an elephant, might eat less than Ieuan!!

sadly it wasnt an elephant, just Seren! I asked her why she was awake and she told me to 'shhhh'!!!!!Ieuan then appeared round the corner with sticky up hair, red cheeks and a stinky bum!!!!They are now 'singing'!

Things I have taught them for my own amusement - Novembe 19th 2009

So as some of my MTW mum fiends may have witnessed at the mm2, I taught Ieuan and Seren how to do the hokey cokey, as well as dingle dangle scarecrow, mainly as it amuses me!!This week I have now taught them to high five each other (they have high fived me for ages) and also to put their fingers to their lips and say 'shhhh' and then tap their ears for listen, then I 'BOO' them!!! and they now 'BOO' each other ahhhhh hours of fun.They are also now obsessed with their own and each others belly buttons thanks to me tooWhat to do next hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.............................

we do heads shoulders knees and toes too, but for some reason they go straight from heads to toes and then when we get to eyes and ears and mouth and nose, well they just stick their fingers up their noses!!!!

we do round and round the garden but I think Ieuan tickling Seren would cause her to break down, she doesnt like him to touch her much, high fiving she can handle, belly button poking at a push but tickling........Oooh baby raving, now thats a good one, we already do a good line in arse shaking!! (all though I must stop singing 'I see you baby....shaking that ass' just in case they start singing it back at me!!!)

I am awake they are asleep bloody dog!!! - November 17th 2009


A bonus to two babies who party until the small hours is that they have a major lie in, they are still asleep!!! I however am awake because my STOOOOPID dog doesnt like people walking past our house and has been barking like a loon for most of the morning!!!! so my lie in went out the window yet hubby is still snoring in bed grrrrrrr!!!!

Ufff ooo - November 16th 2009

I have been asking Seren to say 'LOVE YOU' for months, tonight I sked her and she saidUff Ooo

Awwwwwwwww - Novembe 17th 2009

My babies are sat with their Daddy making me their birthday cards. Hubby was going to do it in their bedroom until I pointed out that we have laminate downstairs and carpet upstairs and he was carrying amongst other things glue, glitter and felt tips!!!I will listen with interest to how long the peace and my hubbys good temper lasts!!!

They keep coming over to show me they have felt tip on their hands lol! oh and hubby keeps asking, wheres the card, wheres the scissors, wheres the .................grrrrr!

Please stop fighting!!! please start sharing!!! - November 15th 2009

This is the first day in about 3 weeks where we have had no plans and I envisaged a nice day at home with Ieuan and Seren, where we could play, do some colouring etc etc. They however had other plans, they have fought all day long, everytime Seren has a toy in her hand Ieuan has swiped it off her, everytime she had a dummy he yanked it out of her mouth and put it in his own, she has reacted to this by high pitch screaming.They were put upstairs for bed at 7pm, I have already been up 4 times to seperate them, the last time I had to wedge Serens arm back out of the drawer in which she had got it stuck trying to retrieve blankie, which Ieuan put in there!!!!!!All I ever seem to say these days is 'stop fighting' and 'share'. If they are like this at 20 months imagine the nightmare that the teenage years are going to be!!!!!

The Wanderers return - November 12th 2009

...we are back after what seems like a mammoth trip. We have been to Kent, Bath and Birmingham and are now safely back home!!!We will NEVER EVER EVER EVER EVER EVER EVER EVER EVER EVER EVER EVER EVER EVER EVER EVER EVER EVER EVER again stay in a hotel with the twins until they understand the concept of NO and GO TO BLOODY SLEEP!!!
We stayed in a Holiday Inn Express last night in Bath, so we were in the room with them in two travel cots, well I say IN the travel cots, I think you all know by now that this was NOT the case. Seren dropped off at 12:30 on me and got transfered into her cot, Ieuan eventually caved in at 1:30am on me and got put in his cot. They ran us ragged!!! turning lights on and off, playing with the hairdryer, jumping on and off our bed, playing with everything that rattled and made a noise. How we didnt get asked to leave is beyond me!!!! Hubby was quite excited the night before 'Oooh ready for a night in a hotel then' etc etc when I gently reminded him of the fact that we had twin horrors toddlers!we spent an hour walking around Bath at 10pm trying to get them to sleep, he was so unimpressed and moody lol!!! I can laugh now at the time though I was ready to murder my hubby let alone those two lol!ANYWAY!A BIG thank you to all the lovely MTW ladies we met at Lakeside, we had a wonderful time, they both fell asleep afterwards and we got 2.5hrs of peace to have a wander round and for me to convince hubby that he needs to buy me the Pandora braclet for my birthday Can I also just say Lakeside is the BEST softplay we have ever been to!!! I dont know how much it cost you all to join but Im guessing it is totally worth it (even if the balloon man did make me feel like I needed a shower!!! yuk)

If I have to go upstairs one more time tonight - November 5th 2009 either pull Ieuan off Seren, or rescue Seren from having her arm caught in the drawer I may scream (louder than she does too!!!!) its ALWAYS Seren, she could bounce on Ieuans head and I think he would just giggle!!!Last time they had also kindly scattered cotton wool balls everywhere so I made them pick them all up again although on the plus side I am pretty sure Seren was calling them bubbles!!!!Currently all I can hear is loads of giggling and lots of banging I dread to think what they are up to


They are STILL awake!!! I have just gone up to check as it suddenly went quiet to find them smearing a small pot of sudocreme over each other and the door!!!! they can now climb to get stuff off the back of the change table, at this rate there will just be two cots in their bedroom!!!!

They finally gave in at just gone midnight!!! I left them to play in their bedroom this morning whilst I tried to do a bit of packing/organising to go to the in laws tonight and heard a massive thud went up and they had pulled the chest of drawers over! I felt sick until I saw them both, I have left it there like that so hubby can see when he gets in as he is going to need to attach it to the wall somehow now!! they just climb on and up everything they are a nightmare!!!!

Our new song - November 3d 2009

We have recently learned the dance to 'dingle dangle scarecrow' I have now changed the words to something more apt for our current situation. Same tune though
When Ieuan and Alfie are sleeping
And Mammy and Daddy have gone to bed
Up jumps Seren and this is what she says
Im a dingle dangle ratbag
and a stinky stroppy brat*
I shake my hands like this
and shake my legs like that

*disclaimer - 'brat' being a term of affection here, it was the only thing that rhymed with the original word hat!!!! My hubby just looked at me and rolled his eyes, I think he is wondering where is grown up, responsible, university educated wife went!

So - November 2nd 2009

.............if they squeeze olives to get olive oil, how do they get baby oil!?!?!?!I squeezed Seren real hard earlier but all I got was a high pitched squeak and a glare

just tried Ieuan and he trumped, no baby oil making machines here!

Ah dont be denying it, your all going to be giving your babies an extra squeeze tomorrow just to see. We could all have given birth to baby goldmines!!!!!!

Not been around for ages - October 26th 2009

We are all grand, travelled down to my mums last night for the 1st time on my own (I have lived Ooop North for over 10 years - how shameful this is my first attempt!) we left at 1:30am and got here at 5am so not bad really, R&R whinged and cried for the first 50 miles making me stop twice and question my sanity as well as wave goodbye to my non-grey hair in the rear view mirror!! I only had to listen to their CD 3 times on a loop before I was convinced they were asleep, alas they then missed my dulcit tones crooning along to the Beautiful South!We all had a big 4 hour nap this afternoon yet Ieuan still fell asleep on me whilst having a cuddle watching Big & Small (my their new fav CBeebies programme!)Had a bit of a crappy time latley, lots of teething, sleep issues, tantruming (is that a word?!?!) but Im still alive, slightly more wrinkled and possibly a bit grey under the dye but we are all still alive and tbh thats a big achievement!!

I am going to staple Serens comforter to he head - October 12th 2009

Ok maybe not her head but I am going to attach it to something she wears round her wrist, she has lost it twice in two weeks (I hasten to add hubby was in charge of the buggy both times!!!)The first time was on the day of the poo (as we now call it) where she managed to smear poo everywhere and got some on her comforter so I finally had my chance to wash it, 12 min quick wash with a ton of detergent then 20 min blast in the tumble dryer and Seren was happy again. Cue 2 hours late in the Trafford Centre I go to Holland and Barratt telling hubby I will meet him outside Currys, turn up to find Seren inconsolable and hubby looking sheepish and asking 'whats missing from the equation' so we retraced her steps I went back in the Animal store looking at the floor (super dodgy hey!) and then as a last resort looked behind the counter and ta da there it was, thank God, although I then had to ask for the bloody Corfu tea towel behind the counter as it was my daughters comforter, oh the shame!!! but on the plus side thankfully it was beautifully clean!!!Today she lost it in the park, and we had to rewalk the entire length of the park to find it again.Now I know the logical question is 'Why dont you leave their comforters at home?' but they have suddenly become majorly attached to their comforters and they come EVERYWHERE with us otherwise we have major meltdowns. When I push the buggy I seem to look down once every 1.78 seconds to check they both have both shoes on and both have their comforters, hubby wouldnt notice if they both unbuckled themselves and went shopping on their own, so maybe I will staple the comforter to his head!

Oh its ok!! - October 12th 2009

A little quote from my twin toddler book'unlike many toddler books that take the reader from age one to age three, this book will cover up to age four. The overriding conclusion seems to be that with twins, it's at about age four that things start to really calm the age of four life will plateau and you'll start to notice a huge and consistent improvement in your overall sanity level' So if you find a listing on Ebay for 2 used but well loved twins you bid at your own peril, I will NOT accept returns!

Help!!!! please send SuperNanny and Vodka!!! - October 12th 2009

My children monsters are STILL awake, STILL trashing their bedroom and STILL running around shouting screaming and singing. HOW?!?!?!?!Who is feeding them full fat coke and chocolate to give them this 'sugar' rush?!?!Does Supernanny have a out of hours secret number I can use?!?!?!Why why why why why why why did I not insist on moving closer to family when they were born so I could palm them off ask them to babysit when they are in this hyper kind of mood!!!!!I have changed 4 stinky nappies since they 'went to bed' at 6:30 too!!!Right I am off to smother them with a pillow kisses and get them into bed again which is pointless but still!!!Hope all your babies are sleeping well and give you lie ins if possible! xxx

1:18 am
..still awake!!!!Im going to sneak to bed and hope they dont notice me commando crawling past the door, they are now sat chatting so at least they have calmed down, maybe they are telling bedtime stories?!?!Ok wish me luck....... :suspect: Im off.........

Well they finally fell asleep just before 4am!!! I woke them at 10:30 this morning and Ieuan has only had a small nap when we were at the park earlier and Seren hasnt had a nap at all. Yet despite all of this they are STILL awake up there playing.I really dont know what else I can do to be honest, we only have a two bed house so they cant have seperate rooms, there isnt room in our bedroom for one of them, plus it is in no way child safe in there (i.e bookshelves full of books/dvds drawers with no locks on etc and I cant afford to buy locks for all of the drawers and have nowhere else to put all the books and dvds.They wont sleep in our bed as they never have and see coming in there as a big adventure and a chance to play. We have tried putting one to bed sleepy and then once they are asleep and we have worn the other one out putting the other to bed but if one is awake even slightly they HAVE to wake the other one up.There is literally nothing in their bedroom for them to play with so they just empty the drawers and throw clean clothes and bedding around and fight (there are locks on the drawers in their room but little hands can still get in them)So I am at a loss, I have cancelled my parents visiting in November as my nephew sleeps in with the twins which just isnt going to happen now and my mum and dad sleep in the living room and as my house is so small it is sooo stressful when they are kicking off as it means no one gets any sleep!!! The plus side to this is we will be at the mm2 though (so every cloud and all that!!!)

Im going to try the 7-7 or 8-8 routine I think, they just have such mega tantrums if I wake them but I will just eeek it out until it works, I seriously cannot go on like this.The problem with me going in though is that it winds them up more as they want me to stay and cwtch them and as soon as I leave they are at the gate screaming.Every twin mum I have asked is like oh I sit there for hours cuddling them/rocking them until they drift off OR they just stay in bed and sleep (waaaaahhh, that just made me cry lol). I have never sat and cuddled mine to sleep and tbh I am reluctant to start it at 19 months old! My trusted twin toddler book turned up the other day and so far it has just depressed me! apparently I should just lock their door and they will soon learn wtf! or put them in seperate rooms, not an option here.Hubby cant get any time off to help out and has such a low tolerance threshold with them anyway that he would be no help. Thanks for the offer of the locks Atina but I really dont want one of them in my room, hubby works shifts and comes in at all hours plus as crazy as it sounds (and as crazy as I am) they have never been seperated and I dont think they would take it very well if I did do this.

I hope she only does this at home - October 11th 2009

Just been up to change my two rather smelly children (who are STILL wide awake!!!) so I changed Seren and was knelt down changing boy blunder when I feel something cold on my back, my little minx is pulling my waistband on my jeans back to check I am clean!!!!! I hope she doesnt do it at a group to me!!!

Eating at the table - October 11th 2009

We have recently started eating at the little table and chairs at dinner time (the twins not me and hubby, he is 6ft 5.5" tall he wouldn't be able to reach his food!!) and its going really well (ouches hairy wood)We bought them the table and chairs from Ikea and they have dinner at it everynight, I make a big fuss and they have placemats and a fork and spoon put out and their drinks ready and they run over and sit on their chairs holding their cutlery waiting for dinner to be served, it is sooooooo cute to see and they eat really well. There is the occasional swiping of food from the others plate (mainly Seren off Ieuans!) and Alf is beside himself as he is not allowed near them until they have finished as the table is just at his level. I have to occasionally ask Seren to sit back down but Ieuan is brilliant and sits eating his dinner watching the bedtime hour (naughty I know!)Breakfast is still in the highchairs, I dont trust them with weetabix yet!!!

Poor George - October 10th 2009

When clearing up the toys before putting the monsters to bed earlier we discovered that Ieuan had put George in his toy oven!!! poor old George was looking out of the oven window looking very sorry for himself, Ieuan just bowled over and 'turned the oven on'. He decided on the Chicken setting, and I am guessing as none of us have ever tasted monkey thats probably what it would taste like!Made me and hubby giggle though, bless poor George, Ieuan loves him to bits but he doesnt half show him some tough love!

George is reguarly beaten, me and hubby reckon it is kind of an SAS initiation/training thing though s Ieuan often 'talks' to George and so we assume is telling him his secrets and all this training is to make sure he doesnt divulge these secrets to Seren.We caught Seren doing the hokey cokey with George the other day when their CD was on, it was hilarious, she looked so serious making sure George was doing the steps right!!!

Whoooooop whoooooooop my book is on its way - October 9th 2009

I ordered my twin toddler taming book from Amazon the other day, just got an email to tell me it has been dispatched woooooooooooooooooooooooooooohooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo.Ieuan has recently discovered his temper and has taken to giving demonstrations on a very regular basis latley and Seren still flings herself diva-stylee on the floor at the mearest mention of the word no so it is very much a need addition to my book shelf.

Oooooooooooooh oh the Hokey Cokey - October 5th 2009

The twins favourite part of musical minis is doing the Hokey Cokey at the end, it doesnt matter where they have dissapeared to in the room as soon as they hear the music they come running at me with big grins on their faces, so this week I have been teaching them to do the dance on their own, it is now pretty much perfect, ok so they have no idea which is their left or right leg/arm but they just wave on or the other in out in out then shake it all about. It is so funny I think I may have sung it about 100 times today just to see them do the dance, Seren even sings the Oooooooooooooooh oh bits too lol. Im going to attempt to try and get it on film at some point but they go *shy* when the video camera comes out lol

You can put a child to bed - October 5th 2009

...........but you cannot make them sleep!!!!Last night they played until 1:30am!!!!!! currently, at 10pm, they are still up there playing away.All together now.................GO. TO. SLEEP!Thanks x

October 6th 2009.

They didnt wake until 10:30am this morning which was nice, the problem is that they wont let each other sleep, Ieuan was put to bed last night as he fell asleep straight after dinner, we kept Seren downstairs for an extra hour then put her to bed and we thought our luck was in as we had peace for an hour then she obviously decided she was bored on her own and went and woke Ieuan up grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

Dont naughty - October 4th 2009

Is what Seren said to Alfie tonight!!!Daddy was sweeping up and Seren decided to help and was using the big brush when Alfie decided it was time to play (he likes to chase and chew the end of the brush!!) so hubby told him off in case he pulled Seren over and he did it again so Seren marched over and 'smacked' him on the bum and said 'dont naughty'She is such a little mimic latley, we have also had 'nabana' (banana) and 'lellow' (yellow) the past few days and she now says 'boo' when she peeks out from behind things, such a fun age (if not a little testing on the nerves!)

Im on poo patrol - October 4th 2009

My delightful daughter (why is it always Seren!?!?) took her nappy off this morning and there was poo everywhere in their bedroom, on the chair on her bed clothes, on the actual bed, ALL over her it was grim to say the least, hubby was heaving!!So I am up doing poo patrol (i.e making sure she hasnt had one over night so I could change her if she had in order to prevent another dirty protest!) all clean on the stinky Seren front though!Whilst I was cleaning her up this morning she started weeing and I had nothing to hand so went 'ooh oooh oooh' whilst trying to catch the wee in my hands (why!?!?!) cue Seren trying to run away in a panic screeching 'ooh oooh ooh' think I scared her, so I was then the nutter cupping wee saying 'its ok baby, its only a wee'Then to top it all off, I lead her back down to clean her up and put a nappy on her and Ieuan sat on her head! *sigh*

Our funniest WASSSSSSSSSSSSSAT moment so far - September 29th 2009

I was changing Ieuans nappy earlier and Seren wandered over and stood next to me being all helpful (she like to hold the clean nappy and pass it to me) she then looks at Ieuan, clocks he has a little something extra, leans in closer to make sure she is seeing what she thinks she is seeing, then turns to me whilst pointing to it and asks at the top of her voice 'wasssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssat'I couldnt answer for laughing!!

I just told her they were his 'boy bits' mainly because I thought if I say its his willy/penis etc that would be her new word and I would have to endure pushing her round whilst she screamed it at the top of her lungs for the next 3 months before we moved on to a new word!!!Current word is Dada which is fine, except when she points at random men and says it on repeat lol!

My poor baby was sick last night - Septembe 27th 2009

under our bed the poor thing, dragged him downstairs and he was sick all over the living room, so I took him outside where he gagged and made a reall big burpy noise (this was at 3am) which echoed all round the street, bet my neighbours thought it was me if they looked out. Hubby cleaned up the sick and we left him downstairs being sick with hubby going up and down to clean it up and make sure he was ok. He seems fine today though!Obviously I am talking about my original baby Alfie, the names I was calling him at 3am I wouldnt have called the babies thats for sure!!! Hubby and I have come to an agreement, I deal with baby sick he deals with mutley sick, I cant cope with dog sick/poo etc he cant cope with baby emissions!!

A VERY exciting and VERY special new word today!!! - September 26th 2009

I asked Seren if she could say 'Ieuan' and she responded 'eeeeeeeeeeeiiiiuuun' and Ieuan turned as she said it and grinned at her *sigh* She also always calls me Mama (when she deigns to say it) so I have been teaching her to say Mammy, so I am now Marrrrmeeee, her cheeky little face as she says it is fab!!Why do they have to grow up? cant we keep them this little and amazing forever?

Im not sure how much more my heart can take!! - September 26th 2009

Last night the twins fell asleep at about 10ish, Seren in her bed, Ieuan by the door, we left him there for a bit until he was defo asleep before we were going to move him into his bed, at about 10:15ish we hear a MASSIVE crashing noise from their room, my heart was in my mouth and we both ran up the stairs (me shouting f**k, f**k, f**k and refusing to open my eyes) their shelf had fallen off their wall and thank God had fallen on their change table and not on my little man on the floor - the shelf had a few boxes of bits and bobs, a few soft toys and their cd player, nothing heavy but the shelf itself is!!!! Its been up a year, Im just thankful neither of them was hurt and that we were not using the change table at the time!!! (oh and btw Ieuan slept through it all!!!!!!)Today at the park, hubby thought he was being hilarious and whilst walking down a big slope to the lake he let go of the pram, I didnt see that he had a hold of the leash bit and screamed, I nearly knocked him out when I realised he was dicking around.THEN this evening the twins were playing in their room before bed and we could hear the saftey gate shaking, then a ping, once again me and hubby were hare-arseing it up the stairs to find that the gate was wide open and Ieuan was making his way to the door and our very steep stairs. I cant describe really the bit that came off, it a Lindam gate that you can make bigger or smaller to fit your doorway and it was the metal bit that hooks under to open the gate or keep it closed.Its a good job my heart is obviously stong, it has sure been tested these past 2 days. I am now demanding a stairgate on the stairs too just in case which is going to be a nightmare as there is literally no room for it but tough!!!

Slightly concerned my children are, hmmmmmmmmm, 'free willed' - September 25th 2009

I say 'free willed' as I am reluctant to call them naughty as I dont belive at this age they truly know what they are doing, which I guess means inevitabley thier behaviour is my fault.They DO play nicely together (they do also however fight, scratch and push each other, not something I have witnessed them doing to other children at groups though - they have pushed others out of the way but get told off obv)Yesterday at twin club all the others sat very nicely at a table and did crafts, mine rfused and ran around like little loons and eventually I took them back into the room we are normally in and shut the gate, there was a strop from both (witnessed by a mum whose twins are 6 months who looked on in disbelief and commented that it was no wonder I looked tired!!!! grrr!!!) anyway I distracted them and we played nice and then left.What is bugging me is that my two just wont sit like the other and do crafts, we at the moment only have their highchairs at home but very soon will be getting them a table and chairs to sit at and I am hoping this will help them learn to sit and play nicely (they sat and ate nicely at the group btw!!!) Also Ieuan was hare -arssing (sp) around with a walker/trolley at the group and bumped into quite a few people and no matter how many time I apologised and told Ieuan to be careful he just kept doing it.Am I expecting to much of them or should I just admit to myself that they are 'free-willed' and do my best to curb it now. PLEASE be honest and do not think you will ofend me, I do not one to be one of those mums who thinks their children are angels when in fact they are little devils.

having written this post I have asked them if I could change their nappies, they both led down and let me, I then asked if they wanted a sleep and Seren nodded and said yep and they are both now in bed (Well Ieu is on the floor which he seems to prefer to his bed) and asleep, so they cant be all bad!?!?!?!Right I have just found myslef a toddler taming book and will be off to Waterstones on Monday!!!

I am just slightly (read very) concerned that the term 'double trouble' will be applied to them. I worry that I am too soft with them, I am in terms that if they fall over/off things I generally dont go over and just say whoops up you get unless it looks like a nasty fall but I think that they can be rough with each other but I have also noticed that with other children Seren will stand back more whereas with her brother she is the boss and will scream if he takes anything off her. I just wonder if in groups I come across as very nonchalant as although I interact with them and play with them etc I have more of tendancy to sit back and watch from a distance and intervene only if one gets over the top or hurts another child (not intentionally may I add)I just hope I am worrying too much and that they are just boisterous not naughty!?!

We finally have our first pair of shoes - Septembe 20th 2009

thanks to my in-laws. We took the twins to Clarks on Saturday to buy them, Seren is a 4g and Ieuan a 5g and they both look very very gorgeosu in their fancy pants new shoes!!!! It was a massive palava to take their photos and they ended up having to sit on Grandmas knee as they wouldnt stand still as road testing their new shoes chasing each other round the shop was far more fun!!!

So barefoot hippy babies no more, we are now booted out whoop whoop!!

Night 4 in the twin toddler house - September 17th 2009

..........and mum is searching for the valium!!!They are STILL awake up there!!!!! Yesterday they decided against napping (oh what a fun day that was, hubby also managed to take the buggy to work with him in the car and was then 2 hours late coming home!!!!) so we put them to bed as normal at 6:30 and they were asleep within an hour, then when I went to bed at about midnight Seren decided it was time to get up, I went in to try and keep her quiet and change her nappy, she decided getting into Ieuans bed and putting herself nose to nose with him and saying very loudly 'wassssssssssa' (her favourite word at the moment!) was the best way to make sure she wasnt lonley! suffice to say my little man woke up to albeit with a gorgeous big smile on his face and a giggle for his sister!!! They stayed up until 5am!!!!Ieuan dozed off earlier and so we brought a screaming Seren down to let him drift off properly, she sat colouring in on the floor with her Daddy but coloured her babygro in more, looks so funny and she keeps pointing to it and saying 'wasssssa' Ieuans sleep lasted all of 10 mins when he started shouting for attention/his sister!!!Can I drug them? (I'm joking!! I think!!) xxx

Fri Sep 18, 2009 10:26 pm
Todays 'lie in' was until 9:30ish so in all honesty not too bad especially when I realise some of you mummies are up at the crack of dawn every morning. Luckily today my in laws are up so we have been to see them all day, Ieuan has had an hours nap and Seren has had none so they are both asleep wooooooooooooooooohooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo we ran them ragged all day, went to the park and ran them ragged there too. We are off back over to the the in laws again tomorrow who are buying the twins their first pair of proper shoes from Clarks and then we are all off to the park again.The good thing is they are very cute little monkies with the ability to make me laugh a lot so I guess the bonus of these late night is extra time with them!On the plus side this lack of sleep means that a glass and a half of wine has made me tipsy! lol!

Blankies and comforters - September 17th 2009

Do you find your LO's get even more attached as they get older??? mine seem to permenantley walk around with theirs at the moment. Ieuans isnt so bad as it is just a monkey called George but Serens is a Corfu tea towel (it was the only fleecy thing we could find after losing her comforter in the airport, she now refuses to give it up!!!) it even had to come to twin club with us this morning and it took me a good 20 mins to get it off her and put it away!!!!They remind me of that character in Snoopy!!!

So we took the cot sides off last night - September 15th 2009 it too soon to admit defeat and put them back on!?!?!?They were up and trashing playing until gone midnight!!!!!!! Seren dozed off a few times but was woken by Ieuan sitting on her she was NOT happy to say the least they finally fell asleep at about 12:15, snuck up and checked Seren was in bed, Ieuan was on the floor fast asleep cuddling George, luckily once he is asleep you could juggle with Ieuan and he wouldnt wake.We have just got in and they fell asleep in the car so we just transfered them into bed for their naps, I have no idea how on earth they will ever nap properly again with nothing to 'contain' them!!

Tue Sep 15, 2009 10:10 pm
they are STILL up and playing!!!!!!!Seren keeps calling DADA down the stairs and when Derek answers back and tells her to get into bed you can hear little footsteps running across the room and the both of them giggling!!!! If they were not so blinkin cute they would be sleeping in the yard tonight!

Oh the shame - September 11th 2009

I didnt know hubby had opened the window in the living room before going to work and have only just realised, this means that most of the people in my street have heard my rousing renditions of the ITNG theme, all the sing and sign dvd songs plus goodness knows what else I have sung to the babies this afternoon/evening!!!

Roughly weighed the twins last night - September 9th 2009

By getting hubby to stand on some ww scales and weigh himself then weigh each baby, so Seren weighs roughly 22lbs and Ieuan weighs 29lb!!!!!!!!!!I cant believe how much of a chuff Ieuan is!!! he will defo be playing rugby for Wales with his stature!!!

What am I feeding them?
Only whats recommended, you know toast with chocolate spread for breakfast, pizza for lunch with a cream cake for dessert, then something really healthy like chippy fish and chips for dinner with ice cream and cake for dessert. They occasionaly have a mars bar or two for snacks during the day. Do you think I should cut down to one Mars bar a day!?!?!? They still have milk in the morning and at night too, but its no longer chocolate milk, its now strawberry milk coz its like fruit then innit!?!?

My fecking HV is useless - September 8th 2009

I phoned last week regarding bringing forward the 2 year check as I was concerned about Ieuans sppech (or lack of) she eventually phoned this morning and:

HV: How many words does he say?
Pissed of Kelly: one
HV: Well the normal for 18 months is 10-15 words
POK: Yes I know thats why I rang
HV: Can your daughter talk?
POK: Seren can say 5 words, Ieuan just says the one
HV: Ok so Im going to ask you a few questions about Ewan
HV: Yes about Ewan, OK, does he interact with you when playing with his toys?
POK: Yes
HV: Does he make eye contact with you?
POK: Yes
HV: Does he know the parts of his body?
POK: At a push but he isnt confident.
HV: Does your daughter know hers?P
OK: She knows her eyes, ears, nose etc
HV: Does Ewan know how to follow commands, i.e get your shoes etc
POK: Both IEUAN and Seren do yes.
HV: Hmmmmmmmmm right ok, well do you still want us do the check early?POK: ??????????????????yes???????????????????????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?????????
HV: Ok we will leave it until November and see whats going on then, oh by the way is his hearing ok?
POK: Yes his hearing seems fine
HV: OK bye....................WTF!!!So basically yes your childrens speech is quite clearly behind but we wont do anything about it.

Sneaky Seren - September 5th 2009

Seren has engineered a way to help her brother get out of his cot to join in with the shenanigans. She passes his a large toy (any that she can lift up to pass over) and he stands on it and manages to haul his big bum over!!!At bedtime he showed us that he can do it on his own too, I think the sides may have to come off sooner rather than later!

MTW Babies!!! Listen up!!!! - September 2009

I go on this brilliant forum called Mums the Word, and at times many of the babies seem to gang up on us all and go on nap strike, I thought it was time to issue a warning!!!

Bedtime means BEDTIME!!!!

None of this waking and screaming and getting your mummies all het up and frustrated.Your bedtime is our rest time/MTW time/chore time (depending on our mood) Please respect this and when you are put to bed stay in bed.Failure to adhere to bedtime rules means that Mummy will be moody and wont want to play with you the next day, its for your benefit really!!!

HOWEVER this did not seem to work, so I had to get tough!!

It has come to my attention that not all MTW babies are paying attention, mentioning no names (Seren Elizabeth James!!!).

Please be advised of the following:
Bedtime means YOU must get into your cot/bed and stay there, this does not however mean that you are to cry and scream until you mummy can take no more and gets in with you, in the words of the great God SuperNanny This is NOT asseptable!The removing of nappies in order to be taken back out of your cot/bed is not a tactic that benefits you, being covered in poo and wee solves no problems it simply creates more!At least one daytime nap is still compulsory, please do not try to lull us into the false sense that no naps during the day will mean a good nights sleep, we are now wise to this and have the bags under our eyes to prove it! Naps MUST be taken!Please take this as your final warning!! Failure to adhere will mean that all MTW mummies will club together and buy Gina Ford and that believe me will be more of a punishment for you than it will be for us.

That is all, let the sleeping through the night and sensible wake up times commence!

Ronnie & Reggie dispel their nicknames - September 4th 2009

Ieuan has horrific nappy rash atm and the doctor has given us some steroid cream to help get it sorted. Nappy change time is just awful, Ieuan screeches in pain and has to be pinned down ( ) Seren though comes over (we are doing it on a mat on the floor atm so he doesnt fall off) and stands holding the cream ready for us and bends down to chatter to Ieuan, yesterday she picked up a wet wipe and really really really gently patted Ieuans bum with it!! They are also curently sat playing with some jigsaws and passing bits to each other Seren saying ta Ieuan saying da, ahhhhhh my lickle babies CAN get on and as I always tell my hubby, I love them more than peas!!!

Ieuans nappy rash is just horrific he has had it for a week but the other day in the space of 3 hours it went really bad, blistering and bleeding (the blood was actually running down his legs!!!) so after many many phonecalls the doctor fitted us in, had a quick glance prescribed steroid cream and ushered us out!! it is gtting slightly better though did bleed again last night before bed .Ieuan is the oldest but Seren is the boss!

Airstrike!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! - September 5th 2009

My evil ratbags beautiful babies are 'playing' in their bedroom in a vain attempt to tire them out to go to bed properly (lovely hubby got them out of bed to play before he went to work!!!) they are currently throwing eveything they can lay their hands on down the stairs, ours is a strange house so it means I have been hit on the head with a duplo block and Alfie got a tractor enema!

Ooooh a tiger just landed beside me!!

well I have just been and changed two stinky nappies and given them some nice cold milk as they are roasting and plonked them in their cots and turned their music on, lets see how long that lasts, oh and I got a double hug (I sat down and Seren sat on my lap then turned to cwtch me and Ieuan ploughed across the room and hugged my back - jealousy has its benefits!!!) so it was worth being hit on the head by duplo!!
If Alfie were not already a big gay bear already I would say tonight has changed him forever but he just minced off and went and sat on the other sofa instead!

How lucky I am - September 4th 2009

just found out parents have a 1 in 10,000 chance of having boy/girl twins as their first child. I'm feeling pretty lucky right now!!!!!!!

My stubborn daughter - Spetember 2nd 2009

had her nap on the bedroom floor yesterday!! she was most unimpressed when she woke up!!!!I put them in their cots for their nap as usual and left them to it, heard Seren cry a few times then quiet, went to wake them up about 2 hours later and Ieuan was flat out in his cot and Seren was asleep on the floor next to him.

Guess what Ieuan discoveed this evening - August 30th 2009

Serens belly button, he found it hilarious and kept poking it and giggling which made Seren giggle like mad too, was sooo funny to watch, he wasnt so keen to share his belly button with Seren though (it might be because I told him if he plays with it enough his bottom will fall off!?!?!) so the evening ended with Seren rugby tackling Ieuan to the floor in order to inspect his belly button

Guess what Seren discovered this evening - August 30th 2009

That Mummy is an evil cow who put her in a sleeping bag so she couldnt escape her cot, she was NOT impressed!!!Muuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuhahahahahahahaha

she is screaming her head off!!! I just went up and she stopped whilst they both used their cots as trampolines and has started again now I have left ah well tough love and all that (she is fine just really annoyed that she doesnt yet know how to get out of it!)

The worlds wost nappy rash - August 30th 2009

is what Ieuan curently has, he is teething but I am convinced that this bloody nappy rash is causing him more pain than his teeth. Ran out of drapoline yesterday so sent hubby to Asda (in fact he told me he would go not me!) and he came back with Bepanthen (said did you go to the pharmacy but and he said 'ohit was closed I think I dunno - grrrrr it closes when the shop closes, by this time the shop had closed!!!) which doesnt work the same on it for us so I am taking it back later but it meant that poor Ieuan had to have Sudocreme on his bot last night. Changing him is an absolute ordeal as it is SO sore (and I mean it is raw and bleeding in parts!!) that he wont keep still and screeches when I touch him!!!Seren came over and knelt down to talk to him this morning whilst I was changing him and he was screaming, he stopped screaming and turned to listen I wonder what she said!?!?!?

Can someone press the pause button please - August 29th 2009

My babies are 18 months old today!!!!!Where is the time going, I want it to slow down

Night time woes - August 27th 2009

Seren can now officailly escape from her cot.We woke up this morning to little footsteps and giggles from their room, went in and Seren had trashed the room!!Bedtime tonight she has been in and out of her cot at least 6 times so far (she can get in and out on her own!!) Ieuan hasnt escaped his since about a month ago but Seren passes toys into him etc so he doesnt get bored and also doesnt sleep!!!Its going to be a looooooooooooooooooooooong night lol!

I would like - August 26th 2009

..........a padded house!I have just been up to change a nappy that I could smell from downstairs ( ) and witnessed my daughter climbing out of her cot first hand. I have also spent the day removing them from sofas and climbing in the window and attacking the geckho tank. Intersperesed with all this they have pulled out the dining chairs and stood on those dancing and rocking, climbing into their highchairs and balancing precariously on the trays (anyone who has an Ikea highchair will know how bad an idea that is!!) pushing each other off things and generally running riot.Hubby is off tomorrow and I am quite tempted to just sit back and let him deal with it (which I wont do otherwise we may be minus one or two children by the end of the day) just so he realises how hectic it is and how we have definatley definatley definatley outgrown our living space in this house.So I am looking for a padded house, a nanny, a cleaner, oh and a bloody good dye to cover my grey hairs!!!!

A new sentance - well not really but it will do for me!! - August 21st 2009

Seren can now say Bampa (my dad is their Bampa) and yesterday she said hiya dog to Alfie!!!!!!!!!!She can of course speak fluent Chinese and now Polish too so thats great but it is exciting to hear her speak a bit of English as that is what the rest of us in our house speak (well apart from Ieuan but he doesnt speak full stop)

I have just spent an hour - August 14th 2009

....led in a cot with Ieuan, and my god do I now ache!!!!Poor little guy is teething really badly and is pretty inconsolable, hubby just buggered off to bed and my mum and dad are here so am concious of the noise, so figued getting in and having big cwtches was my best option!Anyway my little man is now snoring away and Princess stinky bum slept through it all thank godness, I have caught up on todays posts as much as I can keep my eyes open to ead so am now off to fall asleep watching CSIxxxJust about to press send guess who woke! Big chief stinky bum, grrrrrrrrr off to get cramp in his cot again!!

Oooh how quick was that I got him out, he cwtched right into me so I sat in the chair in their room and he was snoring before I even sat down properly!!! awww just had a lovely cwtch with my little dude, teething is just the worst but you do get these little moments when it is hapening when your strong willed toddler is suddenly like your little baba all over again!!!

Moved our living room round again!!!! - August 13th 2009

Seriously I dont think we have ever moved furniture so much, these blinking houdini babies!!!!Now they cant climb over the prison wall but can now look out the window (or climb on the sofa and press their noses up against the window like a pair of orphans!!!) I still dont feel like I can leave the room when they are roaming free though but at least they are contained again!! on the plus side my pelvic floor must be amazing as I never get to go to the loo when I want to!!!

Erins 1st Birthday Party - August 9th 2009

Today me and the twins went to Karan J's Little one Erins first birthday party, we had a wonderful and very relaxing day. Karans hubby cooked up a storm on the BBQ and the twins helped all the other LO's trash Karans garden ( ) Karan and Alex's daughters are all such lovely girls, a real credit to their parents and were so lovely with the twins, Grace and Seren got on very well and when it came to going home Seren wouldnt let go of Holly!!Erin was a little star all day and I even saw her walking skills!! vey very cute, she still looks so little to be walking!Thnks again to Karan and Alex for having us, we had a great time and hope Erin is sleeping soundly for you and that the booze is flowing freely xxx

Cheeky monkey - August 7th 2009

The twins are sat eating dinner (fish and potato waffles ) Ieuan just lined his up for some reason looked up at me smiled and clapped his hands as if to say "I am so clever Mummy" but whilst distracted Seren whipped a piece of his potato waffle away and shoved it down the side of here highchair so he couldnt see it. Poor Ieuan just looks a bit confused but Seren is happily munching on her contraband!!!!

I do it every night even though I know I shouldnt - August 5th 2009

Check on the babies that is! I creep in to check they are still breathing (they are 17 months old you think I would get over this by now!!!) and inaribly one of them stirs and I have to hit the floor and crawl out comando-styleeeeeeeOooooh whatever did you all think I was going to say!

Lots and lots of new teeth - August 5th 2009

Well Serens top 2 canines are poking through so she now has 14 teeth all together. Ieuan has 2 of his big back teeth through on one side (1 top, 1 bottom) and the same teeth on the otherside are at the point of coming through. Serens came through with no trouble, Ieuan has been a bit upset about his but lots of calgel has helped, but he is feeling very delicate. So Ieuan now has 9 teeth nearly 11!!!