A trip to the park, a swim in the lake for the dog = a quiet house (apart from the snoring!) - March 15th 2009

Hubby finally got up at 2:30 today (he is on nights) and after setting up the twins Vtech smile baby we decided to go to feed the ducks. We strolled down to Sefton Park to feed the ducks taking Alfie with us. Well I think the world and his wife had fed the ducks today so they were not interested in our bread, Alfie however decided he was very much interested and dived into the lake to get some nearly dragging hubby in with him. Anyway 5 mins later Alfie is finally dragged away drenched and covered in mud. A bit further along he decided it was time for another dip in a much smaller lake, he tried to swim to the other side but was on his lead so had to come back, on route though he decided that the crisp packet did not belong in he lake and brought it back wih him, got out deposited it on the bank and jumped back in for more. He had everyone in the park in fits of laughter, he is now shattered and fast asleep next to me snoring. So we went to feed the ducks and the dog and twins had more bread than them (I hasten to add the bread was fresh!!) and any calories I burnt off on our 3 hour walk I am restoring with my galaxy cookie crumble bar of choccie!

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