How time flies by........

The first year as a double whammy Mammy flew by! Before we knew it we were gearing up towards a very special double (double) celebration, we got the twins christened on their first birthday.

We decided to celebrate their birthdays on March 1st when it wasn’t a leap year, mainly because that would have been the date if it were not a leap year (nothing to do with it being St David’s Day - honest guv!) this date was a Sunday and after a lot of wrangling we managed to agree with the vicar that married us to have the twins christened on this date too.

It meant a lot to me that the twins would be christened in the church where their parents got married. It is also the church my parents got married in and where my brother and I were both christened. As it turned out they were christened in the church hall next door which upset me slightly but who is going to argue with a vicar!!!!

The year seemed very very short! I kept thinking back to the day we had the babies, how I felt on that day, I have said it before it truly was the best day of my life yet somehow in the space of a very short year they had gone from two teeny tiny helpless babies to two big strong healthy one year olds. A year full of firsts, my little guy rolled first and my little guy crawled first, who would have thought it!!! None of us that’s for sure, Ieuan was (and still is for much of the time) Mr Laid Back yet he obviously wanted to do a few things before his bossy little sister. Seren got teeth first and boy did she let us know, luckily the times that they have teethed together have been few and far between but when it does happen not only do we know it but our whole street knows it!!!

We had to move during the babies first year which was stressful but it did mean we had a more ‘normal’ life, we moved into a tiny house and somehow managed to squeeze all our stuff in and we painted the twins room in a jungle theme, really nice and bright, one day I will get to paint a gorgeous pink girly room and a proper boys room but for now our jungle nursery rocks!!!

The New Year started with an out of kilter sleep routine due to lots of late nights and excitement over Christmas and New Year, it took a long long time and a LOT of late nights/early mornings but we finally managed to get back on track, what amazed me was how lucky we were that the twins fell into such an amazing sleep routine of their own accord at 3 months or so and when that routine went wrong how hard it was to cope, I definitely take my hat off to all the mums who have had bad sleepers all along!!!

ANYWAY!!! In January time I joined a forum, full of lovely mummies and gorgeous babies. It’s a great place where I can ask for advice, have a whinge and also have a little brag too, generally when I posted on there about an achievement of the twins, or a funny thing they did, I saved a copy and the time has come now where I am going to put them all into this blog and carry it on, updating as the days and weeks go by and as my babies grow and grow, I now have two marauding toddlers both with very distinct personalities. People with older twins lie by the way! I have found this out to my own cost, it doesn’t get easier, 2 tiny babies screaming was easier that two toddlers screaming and throwing themselves around and going limp when you pick them up…………BUT the good does outweigh the bad BUT twin mums need to be prepared you will sometimes actually agree when someone annoying says ‘oh double trouble’ to you (and you smile and laugh like you have never heard it before) so here we go……..The life and times of a double whammy Mammy……..and her troublesome twosome!!!

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