Hair pulling babies!!! - July 3rd 2009

Ieuan has recently taken to pulling Serens hair, as most of you know Seren doesnt really have a lot anyway and Ieuan pulling out handfuls (yes really!!!) isnt helping much. We went ot for a walk today and Seren fell asleep and Ieuan pulled her hair, she screamed her head off (understandably so, she doesnt like being woken at the best of times!) the whole park were looking at which point Ieuan pulled an stonishing innocent act and munched on his rice cake whist smiling!!!so beware babies at the mega meet Ieuan is sweeny todd!! oh AND he bit me today it brought tears to my eyes, my chunky monkey is a bully!!*disclaimer* I dont actually think he will pull any other babies hair and please note he is told off for his hair pulling and biting

Its funny if you tell Seren to give Ieuan a cwtch she goes straight over to do so, yet usually Ieuan sticks his hand out and pushes her away (usually his hnd pushes her in the fce and she ends up on her bum!) he loves cuddles with me just not her it would seem. sibling love hey!

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