Our first Birthday and Christening March 1st 2009

Well our day started at 7:20 when Seren decided she was too excited to sleep any longer and was bouncing round the bed with Mummy and Daddy, I made her a bottle at about 8ish which was when Ieuan decided to join in the party. We put them in their 'I AM 1' tops and they brushed their teeth whilst having their pics taken lol!Time then slipped away from us and we rushed to get us all ready (predictablly I was first dressed, make up on etc and then had to get both babies ready whilst hubby faffed!).We got to the church at 10:45 and all our family and friends were outside, I got butterflies in my tummy, said to hubby it wslike when we got married (same church) unfortunatley the service was in the church hall not the church but it was still a beautiful service. Both babies were absolute stars throughout, both were very tired but as good as gold, although Seren was mimicking an old ladies cough for a good half hour - cheeky monkey!!! We went up for the actual baptising and Seren point blank refused to go to the vicar (I knew she would as she had been playing 'shy' all morning) so I held her whilst she was baptised, she was so good, not a noise at all. Ieuans turn and he was happy to go to the vicar but wanted to look in the font and see what was going on rather than actually be baptised so the vicar improvised and wet the back of his head instead. At the end of the sevice we sang the national anthem as it was St Davids day, amusingly I was pretty much the only one who was singing in the front 3 rows as all hubbys family and our friends are English.We had loads of photos taken outside afterwards, again, it felt so much like our wedding day, only with two extra special little guests (oh and my outfit was not so pretty!!!) we then went to the club where we had the rception/1st birthday party, Seren promptly fell straight asleep so we mingled for a bit, started the buffet etc, Seren then woke up and Ieuan fell asleep (typical). Once they were both awake they had lots of sandwiches and crisps (and pink n whites which Ieuan got all over his shirt) they were absolute angels all day, I was so so proud of them. We had a little toast to thank everyone for coming and for being so lovely since they were born etc we then lit the candles, sang happy birthday and blew the candles out. Lots of people had to start leaving as they had 4/5hr journeys to make home so we packed everything up and made our way home, me and hubby then sat in my mum and dads living room unwrapping their presents (Unbelieveable amounts of cards and presents, they were truly truly spoilt, people were so lovely and generous - I have so many thank you cards to write) the babies then had a bit of a play for a bit then the tiredness truly hit them and they were fed and changed and in bed for their normal 6:30 bedtime. It all hit me at about 7pm, I was in floods of tears, my mum got really worried and thought there was something really wrong and was so relieved when I just spluttered through tears 'I dont want my babies to grow up' she gave me a big hug and told me they would always be my babies no matter what and that I was still her baby. At the exact time they were born (Ieuan 7:28 and Seren 7:31) I went and had a few quiet moments with each baby, they were asleep but I just felt I had to tell them how much they meant to me and how they had made my life so amazing gave them a kiss, wiped my eyes, blew my nose and felt fine again. I spent a lot of the evening thinking back to how I had spent the evening the year before. I love my babies more than I ever thought it was possible to love anyone, the past year has gone far too fast but I am so proud at how strong, happy and healthy my little ones are and that me and hubby made it through. So all in all we had a wonderful day, my babies did me proud, we had no tears (well no baby tears anyway), no tantrums and clean clothes at the end of it all (except Ieuans shirt but we will let that pass!) Im sure tis next yeart will be chock full of firsts and I am so looking forward to seeing them all.

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