Grrrrrrrrrrrr Feb 09 2009

Went to what used to be twin club this morning (as they have now decided there are not enough twins so it is musical minis one week and storytime the other week) anyway it was PACKED, so was a bit of a nightmare space and noise wise but the babies enjoyed it even if the teacher had little empathy with children! Whilst all this was going on there was a lady in another room giving mums treatments like massage and reiki provided someone was watching their child (or at least sat and looked on whilst their child screamed blue murder as mummy had disapeared) Once musical minis had finished there was time left to play and one of the mums had left her toddler who was sat in a bumbo, Ieuan tried to pull himself up on the back of the bumbo and ended up pulling her hair, I rescued the girls hair and made sure she was ok, which she absolutley was (the girl had latched herself onto me when we walked in anyway so was glad of some extra attention bless her) ANYWAY this other mum then decided to lan over and check the little girl was ok (again this little girl hadnt even cried, just told me her hair had been pulled but 'I OK'!!) and told the little girl that Ieuan was a naughty boy for pulling her hair WTF! he is 11 months old, hadnt hurt her it really annoyed me and I found myself saying to the little girl 'oh hes only a baby he didnt mean to hurt you'This woman really annoys me, every mum is protective over their baby/child but she is to the extreme, if another baby touches her son she says things like 'dont poke him, dont bite him' etc when the other baby is just being enquisitive. If another baby takes a toy of her baby she says things like dont snatch his toy etc I feel like shaking her and saying they are babies for gods sake!!!Anyway it just annoyed me that she called MY son a naughty boy how dare she, plus all these other mums got nice relaxing treatments whilst we watched their kids whereas I just got super stressed at Mrs over protective mummy 2009!Sorry rant over! x

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