Think I lost my sense of humour today..... May 30th 2009

... the twins have been a nightmare all day today, I know its because they are hot and sticky etc etc but so am I and hubby is on such stoopid bloody shifts so is in bed for most of the day so I have to deal with the whinging, whining, fighting, scratching, not sharing etc on my own again. Hubby finally got up and we went shopping (my life is just TOO exciting!) and Seren had a meltdown in Asda as she was soooo tired and would not give in (Ieuan was fast asleep beside her!) and I swear if one more pesron stared at me and passed comment to the person next to them I think I would have taken Seren out of the buggy passed her to them and told them that if they thought they could shut her up then to go for it!!!There have been a few funny moments, major giggles today from them both, they find each other hilarious and earlier Ieuan went in for a rugby tackle on Seren and instead of doing her normal hissy fit reaction she started play fighting back, they were both in fits giggling.THANK GOD they are in bed now though, I can hear them singing and giggling but I dont care as long as its not screaming now!!!!Hope everyone elses babies were good today, if not you have my complete and utter sympathy!

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