A big yuck but then a very proud Mammy - Feb 28th 2009

Went into town with my mum yesterday and Ieuan cried the entire time, slept for all of 10 mins but was just so upset, my mum agreed with me that he was just not himself, so anyway got home put him straight down for a nap and after 3 hours I just had to wake him as was worried he would not sleep at night, went up to get him, took ages to wake him as he was so sleepy, he had been a tiny bit sick so I wiped his mouth and grabbed some clothes to change him, got to the bottom of the stairs and he projectile vomited everywhere, all over me, all over my mums hallway all over the entrance to the living room, all over himself, the poor little guy I could feel his little tummy tensing when he was sick and he looked so scared I almost cried! he was very subdued afterwards and went back to bed after an hour. He woke today not much better, had a bottle then went and had a 3hr nap after which he seemed quite bright (a little bit sensitive but more himself) so to make it up to his mummy for vomiting all over her (coat, scarf, jumper, t-shirt and bra ALL had to be changed) he decided to show his new sign off. My very clever little man can now sign duck (useful I know!!!) and all gone!!! he only signs all gone wen someone leaves the room so did it when my mum left the room, so wo knows how long he has been doing it as I look after them on my own for 90% of the time so would obviously never know.Anyway wooohoooo my little man is sooooo clever (especially as we dont go to classes anymore so this is all learnt from the DVD and Mummy!)

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