All change - the babies are taking over!!! - May 1st 2009

well after unsuccesfully looking for a different house to rent the other night I ranted at hubby and we have moved our downstairs around (AGAIN!!) the babies now have the living room bit of our house all to themselves, we have the smaller dining room bit (its all open plan, our bit is sectioned off with an opened up baby dan play pen). You know what? its fab!!!! they have tons of room to play and nothing to hurt themselves on as the fireguard is up and everything else in there is their bits and bobs and the sofa. So today they have played and played and played and worn themselves out completley, Seren has taken LOADS of steps ( ) and Ieuan is getting his confidence and will stand alone loads now. Was so lovely to see them have soo much freedom and play so well together, Alf isnt a big fan as he was chased around by them most of the afternoon whilst they giggled their heads off, ahhhh been a lovely day xxx

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