A rant about Health visitors - May 22nd 2009

Right I dont want to upset anyone with this post but here we go! It is of no suprise to me why there are so many horrible cases of children being harmed/mistreated/poorly fed etc!When the twins were born we lived in Manchester and had lovely mw and hv (rubbish with breastfeeding advice but lovely all the same) in fact my hv came to see me until the twins were about 5 months old simply because we lived up 3 flights of stairs and was a major effort to get out and about. When we moved to Liverpool the twins were 6 months old and it took me 2.5 months to get a hv here! I had to chase and chase people before I eventually got one.Is it any wonder people slip through the net and so many babies/children come to such horrid fates! I wont lie it has been very hard at times and it can be very lonley being a mum as many of you know yourselves BUT the difference is, is that I have a supportive hubby and a mum who might live 300 miles away but knows how I am by the tone of my voice, so if things had gone drastically downhill for me people would have noticed but I shudder to think of all the mums and tots out there who have fallen by the wayside.This rant has come about as I wanted to get the twins weighed, Seren has lost weight as she is more active, Im not overly worried as I know this is a normal thing but a pair of trousers that fitted her 3 weeks ago are now hanging off her. So I phoned my hv office and got told the next appointment I could have was 3 weeks away and anway 'what was the problem', so I said no problem, I just want to get them weighed as they have lost weight and I want to keep my eye on it, so she told me to wait and put me on hold then cam back and said yeah 3 weeks till we can fit you in, explained I was away and so she gave me an appointment for 30th June!!!!!!!!!!!In Manchester they had a drop in weigh in clinic, here I have to make an appointment so far in advance its crazy, am very unimpressed with it all, and if Seren has lost a ton of weight and they query it well look out HV you will get the full force of my wrath!!

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