The greatest day of my life

Welcome to the world Ieuan Edward and Seren Elizabeth, this is one of my favourite and very first photos of my precious babies

I never believed anything would top my wedding day, yet a day of luxury and looking the best I ever had done was topped, topped and topped again by the day I met Ieuan Edward and Seren Elizabeth James.

We left to be at the hospital for 8:30 but had to stop at Tescos to get me some nighties (so organised!!) anyway we got there just after 9 and had to sit in a waiting room for about 1hr, I was then given a bed and hooked up to be monitored, shortly after a midwife came in and told me it wouldnt be long and started to get me ready and made me put a gown on. cue 6pm, me nearly eating my hubbys arm and getting more and more uncomfortable so they came and put me on a drip, the nurse who did it messed it badly and my hand swoll (sp) to about three times it size, I was shaking it was sooo painful. My mum and dad were coming to the hospital to see me and I kept looking round my curtain from the bed to see if I could see them walking down the corridor and at 7pm there they were, I got very excited but before they even got to my bed someone was telling me to get my stuff together I was off to theatre, I had time to hug my mum and dad and before I knew it I was walking out of the lift and down the corridor to the theatre. I had my spinal block put in etc and soon enough I felt like there was somekind of disco going on in my tummy as they were yanking and pulling etc, then at 19:29 my beautiful baby boy Ieuan came into the world screaming his little head off all 5lb 9ozs of gorgeousness, they said its a boy and I burst into tears, 3 minutes at 19:31 later my beautiful baby girl Seren took her first glimpse of the world, a tiny but healthy 4lb 9ozs, she didnt make a sound (she has made up for it since!) I got a bit scared but was told my baby girl was fine and I was soon having my first cuddle with her, she even flared her little nostrils at me, something I can do but Daddy cant! Soon we were moved to recovery and I breastfed them both and just kept looking at them in awe, I was still very shaky and itchy after all my drugs and drank a bit too much water and was sick but other than that I was on top of the world. The midwife let my in laws come in first to see my babies and then my wonderful mum and dad and when I saw their faces I almost burst into tears, I was just so proud of my two tiny babies. Shortly after we got taken up to transitional care where we stayed for 5 days before going home. Without a doubt this was the most amazing, most special day of my life, I never had any preconceptions about labour, I knew there was a very big chance that I would be having a section. I do sometimes wonder what it would have been like to go into labour as I never felt a contraction, my waters never broke etc but all I am happy about is my two very healthy very happy babies. I also wonder how far along my pregnancy would have got, I made 36+6, but feel that I would have made 40 weeks, yet at the time I was so relieved as I couldnt lie down comfortably, I couldnt sit up, I couldnt get out of bed and my walk had become a waddle. I feel like the luckiest woman on earth to have been given them and although motherhood is hard at times I wouldnt change a second of it.

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