The early days....

How they slept for the next 6 months!!!

Having a cwtch with both my babies

The very scared looking new parents!

Those first few days after the twins were born seem such a long time ago now, when my tiny babies fitted in those hospital fish tanks snuggled up together, nose to nose. We were in transitional care, a small little ward where little babies stayed so that we had special care from a dedicated midwife.

That first night when we got wheeled up seemed so strange, Derek got sent home at about 1/2am and I remember looking out of the window watching the rain and seeing the trees blowing in the wind and wondering if anyone else in the world felt as amazing (ahhhh the drugs!!) as I did right then.

Obviously having had a c-section my movements were limited and so when the babies woke to be fed I need a little help, although the midwife that came was very scary, very no nonsense and literally rammed a baby on each boob and left me to it!!!!! I dont know how long it was that I sat there with the babies not actually latched on but unable to call anyone as I had a baby in each arm and couldnt use the call button. I remember crying lots and having a lovely midwife look after me and show me what to do and alternative positions. Morning eventually came and so did my lovely husband, oh the relief at seeing him!!!!

I had tons of visitors and the twins recieved lots of beautiful gifts, as did I, my parents bought me a silver heart locket to keep a photo of the babies in, a gorgeous gift that means the world to me.

Those first few days were just crazy, trying to get my head around looking after the babies, trying to deal with the pain from my section (just take the tablets on time!!!!) that evil first shower where you are told to take the dressing off, I have never felt pain like it, I thought I was ripping my stitches out. I think the days following this I got pretty low, my baby blues kicked in but the wonderful midwives made sure I was ok and my lovely wonderful mum spent everyday at the hospital with me until Derek finished work, I cried every night when they left me and couldnt wait to go home.

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