The first year just flew by!!!

The first year as a double whammy Mammy just flew by, far far too fast for my liking, my once tiny babies just seemed to grow at a rate of knots. It was brilliant to see their little personalities develop, predictably Seren is the boss, she was on the inside, she is on the outside but she is so blinkin gorgeous with it that she gets away with a lot!!! Ieuan is my chilled out thoughtful little man.

There were so many first during that year, Ieuan rolled first, Ieuan sat up first, Ieuan crawled first. Seren was NEVER far behind though. Seren cut her teeth first (and let the world and its cousin know ALL about it!!!)

I was very lucky to have two very well behaved babies, we seemed to fall into a routine very quickly. I breastfed for 7 weeks when after a very nasty bout of mastitis resulting in an abcess on my breast it started to go downhill. I was getting severe pain in my other breast and my midwife and Health Visitor were both clueless, it all got too much and I gave in and formula was used. I now know I had thrush in my breast - hindsight huh! anyway I still beat myself up about not persevering longer and being more forceful in sorting my problems out but ultimatley I have two very healthy happy babies and that is the main thing.

Those first few weeks I just remember as a blur, as dark dingy days but not in a nasty way, whilst I know that makes no sense to anyone it does to me. I remember not seeming to get dressed much, sleeping at odd hours and constantly putting my hands on the rising and falling chests of two tiny babies at alarmingly frequent points during the night and day. Not much else seemed to exist outside of the walls of our flat and we muddled through, somehow.

They started sleeping through at 12ish weeks, I remember staying up later and later and thinking there is no point going to bed they will wake for a feed any minute now. I think I kept this up for about a week before it dawned on me that they were being lovely and trying to let Mammy get some more sleep!!! We had them in the same cot for nearly months, they would sleep nose to nose, snuffling and cooing, all those gorgeous noises little babies make. We would bring everything into the bedroom ready for night feeds and me and Tweeze would be sat up in bed, each holding a little baby feeding them, trying to keep our eyes open, ahh happy days!

At roughly 6 months we moved house, we moved from Manchester back to Liverpool where me and Tweezer had both gone to uni, where we met and fell in lurve. We moved away as just Boyfriend and Girlfriend 4 and a half years beforehand and here we were moving back as a married couple with 6 month old twins, a dog and two gekchos, yes it was to be a totally new experience of Liverpool for us thats for sure!!!!

The reasons for the move are long and complicated. I will say that after a fair few months of being treated like rubbish and basically bullied out of my job I was told that my husband had to move out of company property, suffice to say I was hardly going to continue living there on my own with 6 month old twins. Rob Clayton, all I will say is that Karma WILL come and bite you on the ass, and you will get everything you deserve!!!

So we now live in a tiny two bed terrace, its not ideal, its too small, not in the best area etc etc but its home for now and we have had lots of fun here and lots of special little milestones and thats far more important than living in a big swanky house (*repeat in the mirror daily Kelly*)

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