Who do I hand my resignation in to? - January 6th 2010

I just went to check on the twins as there was an almighty crash up there, had to force the doo open as one of the mattresses was right up against the doo, the fist thing I noticed was the smell of poo, the second thing I noticed was poo.....everywhere!!!! Ieuan was rank! it was all over the bare mattress, all over the sheets all over him, so I cleaned it all up, cleaned up Ieuan and started to try and put their room back together. The eason fo thew noise was that they had pulled the teething bars (you know the cover things you put on the top of the cot sides) well they had pulled those off and were waving them round, Ieuan actually had a jemima puddleduck china money box in his hand when I walked in (christening presents) and I also found a headless birthday boy willow tree figurine, managed to find the head after 20 mins searching!!!! They have a shelf each up eally high with all their special things on, the things that are china etc they were given when they were born/christened/turned one and they were using these teething things to batter stuff down.So after ranting at them about how naughty they were and how naughty babies dont deseve nice things etc (because obviously they understand!!!) I have shut the door on them and have come down to disinfect myself and calm down!!!Seriously how do you get poo out of a mattress, I have scrubbed it as best I can without soaking it because it is way past bedtime aleady and the longe I am in there the more awake they stay and Derek is on nights, so I have put loads of sheets on it and turned it upside down.Honest to God! why are my children so bloody mischevious!!!! (read naughty!) anyone wanna swap? or anyone know super nannys private number!?!?!?

Snow much fun - arf - January 6th 2010

So yesterday the whole of Britain got a big huge dumping of snow! woooooohoooooooo. I was hugely excited but it seems that Derek was even more excited than me, he got up (even though he is on evil night shifts) and wound the twins up to fever point and then we bundled them up and took them out in it. Ieuan wasnt too keen at first but as soon as he saw Seren walking Daddy up the road he decided all was good and joined in, they helped Daddy make a snow man and they ran up and down the street, they loved it, they loved the freedom of being able to play in the street too bless them!!! Ieuan got cold first, just like his Mammy so I brought him in but Seren insisted on staying out with Daddy and she even walked all the way to the supermarket with him and all the way round the supermaket and back again, all the time holding his hand, apparently she only got distacted when she saw they toys in Asda!!! she then had a major strop whilst Deek took Alfie fo a walk and as soon as he got back we all went out to play in the snow again!!!

wooooooohooooo snow days are the best!!!!


My two are obsessed by bubbles, unfortunatley for me they seem to believe that cotton wool is bubbles. last night I was sat on MTW and having a gossip with Karan on MSN when all of a sudden I heard the radio in the twins room come on at full blast, bearing in mind it was off when we took them up and that the radio is on a shelf up high above the chest of drawers. So up the stairs we went and once agin found Seren stood on the chest of drawers playing with the cd player (whilst ather hilariously Ieuan danced and twirled on the floor!!!) she had also emptied the cloth bag full of cotton wool and when they spotted us they both gave us big grins and announced at the top of their voices 'bubbles' (said in a vey funny mock Cockney accent).

We are at a loss at what to so now, we need the shelf for storage same for the chest of drawers, the room is small and we have moved it around as much as possible to try and stop them getting to things like the pipes on the boiler yet Seren is a mini Chris Bonnington it seems!!!!!! she also turns the boiler off/up to full heat/puts it on constant, she is a nightmare!!!

Cotton wool bubbles though are pretty funny especially watching hubby try to pick them all up and put them back in the bag whilst getting mugged by two toddlers sceaming 'nooooooooo bubbles Daddy bubbles'

Cheese Mammy - January 4th 2010

Is what Seren said to me this afternoon when she was ready to go out with her Daddy, she chose to wear a coat she previously refused to wear (fickle!) and then decided that her Christmas hat was what was needed to top off the outfit. So she said 'Cheese Mammy' and pointed to the mantlepiece where I keep my camera!!! So I took the above picture of her, added one of my gorgeous boy too xxx

Baybeeees - January 1st 2010

When the twins were born my parents gave me a heart pendant necklace and I put pictures of the twins inside of when they were first born, I always wear the necklace. I opened it and showed Seren a few weeks back and now everyday without fail she climbs up next to me, grabs my hands and makes me open the necklace so she can see the baybeees, this goes on for a good 20 mins and then off she trots again, both babies are called Ieuan as she cant say her own name yet