
My two are obsessed by bubbles, unfortunatley for me they seem to believe that cotton wool is bubbles. last night I was sat on MTW and having a gossip with Karan on MSN when all of a sudden I heard the radio in the twins room come on at full blast, bearing in mind it was off when we took them up and that the radio is on a shelf up high above the chest of drawers. So up the stairs we went and once agin found Seren stood on the chest of drawers playing with the cd player (whilst ather hilariously Ieuan danced and twirled on the floor!!!) she had also emptied the cloth bag full of cotton wool and when they spotted us they both gave us big grins and announced at the top of their voices 'bubbles' (said in a vey funny mock Cockney accent).

We are at a loss at what to so now, we need the shelf for storage same for the chest of drawers, the room is small and we have moved it around as much as possible to try and stop them getting to things like the pipes on the boiler yet Seren is a mini Chris Bonnington it seems!!!!!! she also turns the boiler off/up to full heat/puts it on constant, she is a nightmare!!!

Cotton wool bubbles though are pretty funny especially watching hubby try to pick them all up and put them back in the bag whilst getting mugged by two toddlers sceaming 'nooooooooo bubbles Daddy bubbles'

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